Background image shows networked brain with circuits

The AI Video

The video platform for artificial intelligence from WEKA Industrie Medien

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the industry - but how exactly?

We bring together experts and personalities from science, research and industry to discuss current topics in artificial intelligence, share new ideas and untangle complex issues. Our expert talks offer you direct insights into the exciting world of Industrial AI.

In our talk rounds, we gather a diverse range of voices and perspectives to engage in rich dialogue and deliver fascinating insights. In short and snappy AI raps, our bright minds not only talk about their area of expertise, but present it in a whole new and engaging way. We invite you to dive into the world of ideas, expand your understanding, and benefit from the expertise of our guests. Discover with us what it means to think outside the box.

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AI Insights from Fraunhofer Austria
Welcome to the third part of our series "AI Rap with Eva Eggeling"! In this video we dive deep into the world of generative AI and learn how creative algorithms work.
AI Test_Header
AI test by Alan Turing
In this first part of our series 'AI Rap with Eva Eggeling', Eva Eggeling, Center Leader for Data Driven Design at Fraunhofer Austria and Head of the Innovation Center for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence KI4Life, dives deep into the topic of the Turing Test.
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Experts talking about AI
Klaus Paukovits, Head of Business Development at WEKA Industrie Medien, talks to Sebastian Schlund, Center Manager for Sustainable Production and Logistics, and Eva Eggeling, Center Manager for Data Driven Design, at Fraunhofer Austria about innovations in AI in industry.

Topic 2 - Basic knowledge & basis

Theme 3

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Topic 1 - Basic knowledge & basis

Topic 3 - Basic knowledge & basis


With WEKA Industrie Medien offers a future-oriented platform for Decision maker, Maker and Technician, which they always have about current trends, applications and developments keeps us up to date. We present successful, but also less successful projects; we allow critical voices to have their say as well as visionaries; we address corporate ethical strategies and examine technical concepts for their practical feasibility.



Read here about strategies, possible applications and technologies in the manufacturing industry.


We bring experts and personalities from science, research and industry together at one table and discuss ...

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